11th Annual International Human Rights Summit
Empowering Future Leaders through Human Rights Education
Youth for Human Rights International hosted the 11th annual International Human Rights Summit at the International Auditorium from September 5th to September 7th, 2014 in Brussels. Youth Delegates from 30 countries joined UN officials, human rights representatives, human rights NGOs, religious leaders and civil society at this Annual International Summit.

More than 200 hundred attendees packed the venue in the heart of Brussels with the purpose to learn more about human rights, specifically the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and to inspire others to become advocates for tolerance and peace.
Approximately 60 Youth Delegates from around the world joined by local youth carried their flags side-by-side during the opening ceremony of the 3-day summit including Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Cambodia, Colombia, Congo, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mali, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Netherlands, Russia, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Ukraine, USA and Vietnamese Community.
Mistress of Ceremonies Dr. Mary Shuttleworth, President of Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI), welcomed the honored guests including UN officials and UN country mission representatives, human rights and religious leaders, NGOs, local community activists and the community at large.
A special video message from H.E. Dr Boutros-Ghali, Sixth Secretary-General of the United Nations (January 1992 - December 1996), shared his optimism toward the youth that will set new standards for international relations.

H.E. Ambassador Ireneo Omositson Namboka, Former UN Human Rights Education and Protection Adviser, (1995 - 2010) and former Ugandan diplomat in Africa and Europe (1974 -1987), sent a video message thanking the youth delegates for improving human rights education.
The program included government and non-government leaders who addressed the youth on the importance of human rights education.
The closing address was by the honorable Enzo Di Taranto, Former Coordinator of the UN Action 2 Human Rights Global Program and Founder of the XZEN Celebrity Training Lab, who thanked the attendees for their incredible achievements and inspiring presentations.
Distinguished speakers from such countries as Bangladesh, Belgium, Cameroon, Colombia, Congo, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Switzerland, Taiwan, Togo, Uganda, UK, USA and Yemen addressed the international gathering of youth.
Celebrity guitarist and Koto player (a traditional Japanese musical instrument), Takatani Hideshi from Japan opened the Summit with an outstanding performance for the attendees.
Throughout the rest of the Summit, performers from Argentina, Belgium, France, India, Italy, the Netherlands and Taiwan imbued the atmosphere with joy and messages of beauty and hope.
A highlight of the event was the presentation of four Human Rights Hero Awards to delegations from Australia, Colombia, Mexico and Nepal for their work promoting Human Rights Education.
The 3-day Summit included a full day peer-to-peer mentoring human rights education Workshop, where the Youth Ambassadors shared their experiences, successful actions and accomplishments with the new Youth Delegates to prepare them for greater expansion of their initiatives.
The International Human Rights Summit 2014 closing session was held on Sunday, September 7th, when religious leaders of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Theosophy and many more gathered for the Inter-Religious Conference for Peace.
Each religious leader described their religion's message of peace offered to mankind, and spoke of their hopes for a greater love and an improved brotherhood between all peoples.
At the close of the Summit, Dr. Shuttleworth thanked the attendees for traveling long miles, overcoming difficult obstacles and following that shared dream of building a better and more peaceful world. Many attendees in the crowd cheered in agreement as she expressed the common feeling of being honored to be there with each other, humbled by the greatness, work, and passion of those present. All present were inspired to continue the next step in forwarding Human Rights in the world.